Sunday, 18 October 2009

Get the Sexual Orgasm Together with Spouse

Sometimes, to reach the sexual climax (orgasm) is not easy for some couples. Many couples fail to reached sexual pleasure and satisfaction or to satisfy their partner, but if you and your partner know the technique to reach orgasm at the same time, not a difficult thing to be sipping pleasure in unison.

If you're one of those people who want to know how the recipe for an orgasm with a partner, who summarized Cosmopolitan recipe you can follow the following:

Compared to men, the women takes longer time to wake her mood up. Timeliness is an important role in stimulating the female body.

If time is available for very little sex scene, women are also less enjoy the way the "game". Thus, only the man who picked up the top of pleasure.

You see, women want any longer time to being intimate while in the arms of her partner. If you want to make her lost in the heat of action, then you should spend more time to enjoy foreplay.

Style orgasm sex determining the outcome at the end of the struggle. If you just set the speed of Mr. P as the penetration, it means you are trying to set the rhythm of the game.

Adjust the position of women having sex will make it easier to follow the rhythm of Mr P. So that women would feel comfortable and get the greatest orgasm...Hmmm?

The Clean Location Give the feeling of Comfort
Do not ever forget the comfort factor when penetration took place. The key, sex hygiene and the location is not a noisy place. Cleanliness location when you make love with your spouse contributed to the comfort.

Surrender of a woman makes her partner was more keen. Why? It is said that men have their own assessment of his partner as "explored" by his Mr P .

The man will feels be a winner in the battle with a woman. Moreover, if the attitude of resignation and surrender to the woman took out a sigh and moan and flirty.

Not only indicates that the couple enjoyed every of your action , but you also made more aroused when you hear these voices.

Women dominate battle
Now it's time for women to dominate the struggles. There is no time for the embarrassment in front of him. Confident attitude to conquer the "wild" man's action ,you can conquer with the flexibility of Miss V. it will gives a hot surprise to the spouse when you are in bed.

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