Monday, 12 October 2009

To Be Positive in Life

In our modern world nowaday, when people are demanded to work harder and harder and being succeed in career, it is very easy to get stress or depression. We put mostly of our time reach the gain in our work, and by other side, something is missing from our life, sense of peace and happiness! Then, the results being happen to us, as depresive, insomnia, stress and even mental sickness. At this case, money and good career mean nothing, they can’t buy our health and happiness.
Ofcourse yes, we can’t avoid this all modern living style, but at least, we can eliminate the negative things come into our life. We can build our positive thinking to reduce any negatives. We deserve to live better in healthy and happiness. We still have a chance to live together in happiness with people we loved.
But building positive mentality and avoiding negativity sometimes jut a big issue, it is easy to speak and hard to reach. So how can we being positive in so many negatives that surround us? How can we be happier in stressing condition around us?
Here are some wise words tell us about how to live positive and eliminate negatives.

Think You Are Positive One

It’s important to you to think positive about you, as you are what you think. Left far behind every negative mind that tell the negatives about you. Every morning, as you wake up from your bed, praise to God, and say thank to Him for the blessfull days before and for the new day. Spend your time for praying, and start facing the day. Feel the different after you done it in few days or weeks. It is not instantly changing your world.

Left Your Past Faraway Behind

It doesn’t matter who you are in the past and what have you done, you still have a chance to have a bright future. One of the big demotivator is your past. If you always thingking of your past, you will miss your future. Just start your new day with your new spirit and reach your future.

Self Acceptation

The next step after you left your future, try to accept your self with love, give your self the chance to do the better in the days ahead. Reward your self if you do better thing or after finish your work properly. Don’t let someone or anything else weaken you and do your best.

Change Your Bad Habits to be Good
Lots of us, often wasting life do something useless, if you do it often and often, it will become your bad habits and it be a negative point for your life. Don’t wait until tomorrow, start from now, change it into the better one. Eg. If you always drink any alcoholic beverage, means that you are slowly destroy your health and mind and also waste you money, you can change it , change alcoholic beverages with water, fruity juice, tea or others healthy drinks, it will give a great support to your health and mental healthy.

Share Your Positive Life to Others
Go action, you can share your positive life to others, you can help others in need. Once we spread our positive to people around us, our positiveness will growing and keep growing. Once you help others who needs, it would give you one big happiness in your life. Link your self with people who own or willing to own the positive thinking and life.

Keep Praying
No matter how hard you have tried, it’s all would be useless if there’s no God’s assistance. Spend your time each day more often for praying, sharing your problems and everything to God,asking His help and just believe, that God will help you.

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